Owning a horse can bring a lot of enjoyment but it is also a big responsibility and requires a commitment in terms of time and finances. A horse will require daily care all year round and under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 anyone owning or caring for a horse has a responsibility to ensure they have at least a basic understanding of its welfare needs and to ensure these needs are met. These needs include ensuring the horse is kept in a suitable environment, has an adequate diet, is allowed to behave normally, has appropriate company and is protected from injury, disease, pain and suffering. Therefore it includes the provision of veterinary treatment if the horse becomes ill or injured and this can be costly. However, there are a variety of insurance companies that offer insurance cover for horses to cover veterinary fees in the case of accident or illness.
This section covers various topics relating to horse care.

Horse equipment and clothing
Information about horse equipment and clothing that may be required in caring for a horse.

Money saving tips for horse owners
Owning a horse is expensive so check out our money saving tips for horse owners.

Horse and equipment security
A horse and its equipment can be valuable so check out our guides help prevent theft.

Horse passports
An outline of the basics of a horse passports, which all equines over 6 months are required to have.

Keeping a horse at livery
Advice on choosing a livery yard and information on the different types of livery.

Feeding horses
Information about feeding horses, types of feed for horses, feeding times, quantities and ratios.

Horse health
Information about normal vital signs for a horse, poisonous plants, fly repellents, horse illnesses and diseases.