In this section you will find information about horses and ponies including the domestication history of horses, horse and pony breeds, colours and markings of horses and more.
Domestication history of horses
The domestication of the horse dates back to around 6000-5500 BC. Read about the domestication history of the horse.
Scientific classification of horses
Check out the scientific classification of horses within the Mammalia class.
Horse height measurement
Check out our guide on how to measure a horse and our hands to cm conversion chart.
Horse gender definitions
Various terms are used to describe male and female horses of different ages. Check out our guide to terminology used to indicate a horse's gender and age.
Horse behaviour
An understanding of a horse's natural behaviour and communication can help to develop a trusting relationship with a horse.
Horse intelligence
Horses are intelligent although some are undoubtedly more intelligent than others.
Horse colours and markings
Horses exist in a range of colours together with a variety of coat patterns, head and leg markings. Check out our guides to horse colours, coat patterns and markings.